Thursday, August 14, 2008

Very Sad

Diesel had an appointment to get neutered this past Monday so we dropped him off first thing in the morning so the vet could keep him all day. About 11am I got a call from the vet saying that before they did the surgery he wanted to go over a few things with me. I knew something was wrong right away just by the tone in his voice. Diesel was diagnosed with a grade 3 heart murmur. The vet said that when he listened to his heart 6 weeks before he didn't hear this murmur which concernes him greatly. He asked me a buch of questions like has he been coughing, been overly tired, has he fainted, etc... He hasn't had any symptoms as of yet and he acts like he is a health happy 14 week old puppy. We aren't sure yet what type of a murmur it is, the vet wants to watch it over the next few weeks with regular vet visits every two weeks. We are hoping that he will just grow out of it but the vet isn't very hopeful. For how fast it has come on and how far advanced it already is he doesn't know what Diesels future is going to be. We are going to take him to a heart specialist in a few weeks and have an echocardiogram done so we can pinpoint exactly what type he has. Until then there is really nothing that we can do but hope and pray that he will just grow out of it. I will keep you all posted as we find more out about his condition.

1 comment:

Lee & Kindra said...

That is so sad! I hope all goes well and that he out-grows it. I'll keep him in my prayers.