Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diesel and Lel

We went up and visited my family on Friday since they had just gotten home from Oregon the night before. We went to Carson's football game and then went and ate pizza at my parents house after. During the game Lel wanted to hold Diesel so he went willingly into her arms and was really good to just sit there for a while. I got a few good pictures until all of the sudden he decided that he wanted down. I know that I shouldn't have laughed but I couldn't help it. I can't believe that I got such a perfect picture of the real true Diesel.


Tara said...

I cannot believe how BIG Diesel is getting. He is HUGE...and cute :)

Dawna said...

That last comment was from me (Dawna). Tara was signed on...whoops :(

The Good Gomer Family said...

Thant's my grandpuppy!!!