Friday, July 11, 2008

Helping Jake and Kelci pack up

So our friends are buying a house and they were packing up last night to move and we decided to go over and help them out, well I guess I should say we went over so Chase could help them out. Kelci and I decided to play around most of the time. :) We did find some interesting outfits in the bottom of her closet...I know we look so dumb but isn't it just a little bit sexy? :) I also got a little carried away taking pictures of Diesel with his "new shirt" on (it was an old one of Kelci's) so here are a few pictures of our fun night.


Kristen Miner said...

Now if those outfits had a vent in the back to go to bathroom, that would be sexy.

Jess said...

those are pretty sexy outfits. i think i need one. pretty much your dog is a giant and it's still a puppy.